What Do You Like To Do In Your Free Time Online Dating Example


Are we sacrificing love for convenience?

Posted September 6, 2016 Reviewed by Lybi Ma

May 05, 2017 15. Play “One Bite Or You’re a Wimp”, a game created by one of my best friends that’s. Literally exactly what it sounds like. Pick the seeds out of a strawberry. Pop other people’s back pimples; blackheads are my vice. Pluck pretty much all of my eyebrow hairs out to try and resemble Christina Aguilera.

Source: AdinaVoicu/pixabay
  • If you want to use one of these examples for a section of a longer online dating profile on a site like OkCupid, simply move the call-to-action to the end of your profile. That’s the line at the very end that tells her what to do next, i.e. Message you or swipe right.
  • I want to jump your bones every time you wear it. Make plans for a meal you want to share before proceeding to the bedroom. Example: After I make us pasta, I’m going to make you come. Ask your partner if they have ever thought about someone else joining in your sex life.
  • Online Dating First Message #2: Last Thing. It’s deceivingly simple to ask the last thing your match did as your online dating first message, but it’s a super effective strategy. This is the kind of question a friend would ask, so you are starting things off intimately without coming off as creepy.
  • I like watching movies very much, what about you?

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and conventional wisdom both suggest that love is a fundamental human need. Most people meet their significant others through their social circles or work/school functions. However, these pools can be relatively shallow. In the search for a potential date, more and more people are switching to less traditional methods.

Online dating is really popular. Using the internet is really popular. A survey conducted in 2013 found that 77% of people considered it “very important” to have their smartphones with them at all times. With the rise of apps like Tinder (and the various copycat models), who could blame them? If you want to think about dating as a numbers game (and apparently many people do), you could probably swipe left/right between 10 to 100 times in the span of time that it would take you to interact with one potential date in ‘real life’.

With the popularity of sites like eHarmony, match.com, OkCupid and countless others, the stigma of online dating has diminished considerably in the last decade. According to the Pew Research Center, the overwhelming majority of Americans suggest that online dating is a good way to meet people. Online dating services are now the second most popular way to meet a partner.

The popularity of online dating is being driven by several things, but a major factor is time. Online dating presents an effective solution to a serious problem.

Browsing profiles isn’t nearly as time-consuming (or daunting) as mixing with people in a social context. Statistics suggest that about 1 in 5 relationships begin online nowadays. It’s estimated that by 2040, 70% of us will have met our significant other online.

The problem with a lot of online dating applications is that they don’t really work. Before you throw caution to the wind and empty your wallet into the pockets of an online app with the reckless abandon of a love-struck teenager, there are a few things you should know.

1. People lie on their online dating profiles

OK, this is hardly an earth-shattering revelation. Well duh, people want to be appealing. Most people probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it’s more common for people to lie in their online profile than be completely honest.

A study of over 1,000 online daters in the US and UK conducted by global research agency OpinionMatters founds some very interesting statistics. A total of 53% of US participants admitted to having lied in their online dating profile. Women apparently lied more than men, with the most common dishonesties being about looks. Over 20% of women posted photos of their younger selves. But men were only marginally better. Their most common lies were about their financial situation, specifically about having a better job (financially) than they actually do. More than 40% of men indicated that they did this, but the tactic was also employed by nearly a third of women.

While dishonesty was slightly less prevalent among the British sample, 44% did admit to lying in their online profile. In both the US and UK samples, dishonesty declined with age. Maybe older people are just more interested in projecting their real self, rather than an imagined or ideal version.

2. Looking for a relationship? That must mean all you want is sex

One of the big problems with online dating for women is that, although there are genuine relationship-seeking men on the sites, there are also plenty of guys on there simply looking for sex. While most people would agree that on average men are more eager for sex than women, it seems that many men make the assumption that if a woman has an online dating presence, she’s interested in sleeping with relative strangers. Online dating does represent the convenience of being able to meet others that you possibly never would have otherwise, but women should be aware that they probably will receive rude/disgusting messages from horny guys, sexual propositions/requests, dick pics, and a lot of creepy vibes.

3. Negotiating the scam-ternet

Let’s be honest, the internet is really just a super elaborate and sophisticated farce designed to distract you from having your pockets picked by greasy conmen in cheap suits, right? Not quite, but it is full of unscrupulous vendors looking to separate you from your money by whatever means possible (in other news, have you heard about the secret to getting killer abs in less than 7 minutes using this 1 weird trick…?).

There are pitfalls and tripwires in every sphere of life, but this may be particularly true in the context of online dating. There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of online scams, and I’m not going to run through any in detail here, but do some research before you go giving your bank details to ‘Nigerian princes’ promising ‘fun moments’. As a matter of fact, you should probably be wary of any person, group or entity asking for any kind of financial or personal information. It might even be advisable to follow these general guidelines:

Set up an anonymous email account from a widely used email service (I_heart_scamming123@gmail.com is already taken).

NEVER give out your home phone, address or personal email address unless you absolutely trust the recipient.

Drive yourself to the date (your date doesn’t need to know where you live), keep an eye on your drink/food (…), pay half of the bill (you don’t need your date having expectations of repayment).

Of course, there are plenty more do’s and do not’s of online dating, but I guess the most important thing here is to use your common sense. If something feels off, trust your gut. You don’t necessarily have to develop a ‘trust no-one and sleep with one eye open’ approach to online dating, but it is probably worthwhile to have a healthy degree of skepticism in general.

4. Relationships don’t last

Never mind the fact that more than one-third of all people who use online dating sites have never actually gone on a date with someone they met online, those that somehow do manage to find someone else they are willing to marry and who is willing to marry them (a vanishingly tiny subset of online daters) face an uphill battle. According to research conducted at Michigan State University, relationships that start out online are 28% more likely to break down in their first year than relationships where the couples first met face-to-face. And it gets worse. Couples who met online are nearly three times as likely to get divorced as couples that met face-to-face.

However, it isn’t all misery and woe. While the overwhelming majority of romantic relationships still begin offline, around 5% of Americans who are currently in either a committed relationship or marriage indicate that they met their significant other online.

5. It makes you picky and judgmental

It’s very easy to send one course back (or even one after another) when the menu is overflowing with other potential courses. According to the Association for Psychological Science, reviewing multiple candidates causes people to be more judgmental and inclined to dismiss a not-quite-perfect candidate than they otherwise would be in a face-to-face meeting.

As for me, I prefer to spend my free time doing three things: doing swimming, pursuing my hobby which is collecting rare books, or listening to music in which I prefer jazz and classical music. Doing sports (I have been doing swimming since I was 7) helps me keep fit and be always in high spirits, as well as build up stamina and get tempered. The first reason why I collect books is that I am really keen on reading: Books open to me a whole world of events and people. The second one is that collecting rare books is getting to know history better. Reading a book is getting information about the period it describes, feeling its atmosphere and getting to know historical figures of the period.

I enjoy listening to music, as music helps me relax and relieve stress. When I listen to music, classical, jazz, rap or any other type of music I enjoy, I forget about the troubles of everyday life; music provides an escape from everyday problems. Stress melts away as I am taken in by the beauty of the music. It can help me feel calm and deeply relaxed. Secondly, music affects my emotions. Each type of music sets distinct mood and changes mine. Whether I am feeling sad, frustrated or confused, I listen to merry or tender music, and my mood shifts. I can't say I prefer to listen to some definite kind of music all the time. The choice of music I listen to depends on my state of mind and mood. I can tell you what kind of music I prefer to listen to when I feel depressed, and it is jazz. The first reason why I do it is that jazz music usually has a powerful rhythm, so it is a kind of music that fills you with energy and strength. Secondly, it provides a brilliant combination of instrumental tunes and voice, which creates unforgettable harmony. Jazz immediately carries me away from my troubles, fills me with hope and joy, even though its tunes are often sad. I enjoy listening to classical music, too, Firstly, I like it for the complexity of the musical harmony it offers. Modern popular music, such as pop or rock is much more primitive in melody. Secondly, the emotions classical music evokes are much stronger and deeper; they carry me away to the time when the piece of music I am listening to was composed.

A thing we do in our free time for recreation and pleasure is called a hobby. Hobbies are practiced for interest and enjoyment, rather than for money. What are hobbies for some people are professions for others: a game tester may enjoy cooking as a hobby, while a professional chef might enjoy playing computer games. Generally speaking, the person who does something for fun, not remuneration, is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as distinct from a professional. Engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring substantial skill, knowledge, and experience. A lot of celestial bodies and events have been discovered by amateur astronomers. However, the aim of a hobby is pleasure and personal fulfillment.

While some hobbies strike many people as trivial or boring, hobbyists find something entertaining about them. In fact, anything can be a hobby, from collecting stamps and board games to doing extreme sports and making model airplanes.


Do you like shopping? It is well known that many people do like, especially women. In any case we often just have to do it, when we need some foodstuffs, for example.

There is a great variety of shops in the world: dairy, baker's, grocer's, fishmonger's, greengrocer's, butcher's, sweet shop, florist's, stationer's, footwear, children's wear, jewellery and so on.

Different people do shopping in different ways. Do you prefer shopping in small corner shops which are usually located in your neighbourhood or in big supermarkets? Undoubtedly, there are certain advantages and disadvantages in both variants. Your choice usually depends on what you need to buy. If you lack something like bread or milk, it is worth going to the nearest corner shop, for that will take you about 10 minutes. However, if your fridge is empty and there is not a slice of bread in your breadbasket, you'd better go to a supermarket. There you'll find all sorts of foodstuffs — meat and poultry, cheese and sausage, frozen food, drinks, sweets, fruit and vegetables, grocery, bakery and dairy products. In such shops people usually take a shopping basket or a trolley and walk among the rows where all items are displayed on the shelves or kept in refrigerators. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer to find what he or she needs. In supermarkets you can buy not only foodstuffs but also stationary, clothes, household goods, some electrical goods, perfumery, newspapers and magazines. They sell various goods under one roof and, undoubtedly, this is very convenient. You can walk from one department to another looking about, finding out the price and if there is any discount and in the end you come to cashier's desk where you pay for all your purchases in cash or by a credit card.


Big department stores are very widespread in Great Britain. The most famous department stores in the UK are Harrods (one of the largest and the most expensive), House of Fraser, Marks and Spencer and Debenhams.

Marks & Spencer attracts a great variety of customers from housewives to millionaires. Such celebrities as Princess Diana, Dustin Hoffman and the British Prime-minister David Cameron are just a few of its famous customers. It makes a profit of more than 10 million pounds a week. The store has a brilliant reputation due to a high quality of its goods. It sells not only food and clothes, but also flowers and furniture. Marks & Spencer is a chain store which has over 700 branches all over the world.

Besides huge department stores, there are many cheap street markets in Great Britain. Most of them sell various goods: food, jewellery, clothes, electronics and household goods. Some of them are specialized in particular items: pet products, books, antique furniture and garden stuff.

British people are fond of out-of-town shopping. Some of them have a special shopping day once a week when the whole family takes a car and goes to an enormous shopping complex out-of-town, which is also called 'superstore'. The prices in such shops are pretty low and the choice of items is various. In these complexes you can find one or more supermarkets, chain-stores, some smaller shops, a lot of cafes, end even a multi-screen cinema. One of such stores is IKEA. You are sure to know we have similar shops in Russia, which are called 'Mega'.

Talking about shopping preferences of Russian people, it is worth saying that many of them like to go abroad in order to buy cheap good quality things. Those who live in St. Petersburg have an opportunity to do their shopping in Finland, as the country is situated nearby. It takes only about 4 hours to get to such towns as Helsinki, Imatra, Hamina or Lappeenranta. Each of them has huge shopping centers where you can find such well-known shops as H&M, Aleksi, Vero Moda, Lindex, Luhta, Kappahl, Zara, Mango, Vendi, Vogue, Stockmann and so on. Moreover, twice a season there is a time of crazy discounts of 50 to 70 per cent.

Shopping is an integral part of our life. Nowadays it has become not only a necessity but also a pleasure for many people.


foodstuff — продукт питания
variety — разнообразие
dairy — молочные продукты
baker's — булочная
grocer's — бакалейный магазин
fishmonger's — рыбный магазин
greengrocer's — овощной магазин
butcher's — мясной магазин
florist's — цветочный магазин
stationer's — канцелярский магазин
corner shop — ларёк
jewellery — ювелирные изделия
to be located — быть расположенным
supermarket — универсам
to appeal — нравиться
advantage — преимущество
disadvantage — недостаток
to lack for — не хватать
breadbasket — хлебница
poultry — домашняя птица
shopping basket — корзина для продуктов
trolley — тележка для продуктов
to display — выставлять
refrigerator — холодильник
self-service — самообслуживание
shop-assistant — продавец, продавщица
customer — покупатель
household goods — товары для дома
electrical goods — электротехника
perfumery — парфюмерия
department — отдел
discount — скидка
cashier's desk — касса
to pay in cash — платить наличными
to pay by a credit card — платить банковской картой
department store — универмаг
widespread — распространённый
celebrity — знаменитость
profit — доход, прибыль
quality — качество
chain store — сетевой магазин
branch — филиал
to be specialized in — специализироваться на
enormous — огромный
similar — похожий
preference — предпочтение
integral part — неотъемлемая часть


1. What kinds of shops do you know?
2. Where do you prefer to do shopping if you have a long shopping list and little money?
3. Do you like shopping? Why?
4. Have you ever bought anything abroad? Was it cheaper than in Russia?
5. Do you have a shopping day in your family?
6. Do you like to buy clothes, food or presents more? Why?
7. Are you fond of shopping out of town?
8. Have you ever been to Finland? What can you tell about shops of this country?
9. Do you usually do your shopping on your own or with a friend or parents?
10. Have you ever been cheated in a shop?


When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. The shop assistant shows the customer various goods and sells them. We pay at the cash-desk. The goods can be wrapped up or packed in a box or parcel.

No one in our family goes shopping as often as my mother does. She keeps house, so she knows better than anyone of us what we are running short of.

From time to time my father goes and does some shopping too. Most often he goes for fruits, vegetables, fresh greens or fish to the district's market. Usually, he has a shopping list written by my mother with him.

The prices in our district's market are generally lower than in the state-owned or private shops, but the quality of goods is not always better. If the price doesn't suit you, you can argue about it with the seller and ask for a cut.

My duty is to buy bread for the family. So each time we are running out of bread, I take a shopping bag and money and hurry to the nearest bakery.

When we want to buy food we go to the food store, where you can find almost everything you want.

The grocer sells a variety of foodstuffs, such as flour, butter, eggs, biscuits, jams and jellies, cheese, sugar, spice, tinned and frozen foods.

The greengrocer deals in fruit and vegetable.

The florist sells flowers and plants.

We go to the fishmonger for fish.

We go to the butcher's to buy some kinds of meat: pork, veal, mutton or beef and we can buy some poultry there as well: chickens, ducks, geese or turkeys.

A milk shop is call a dairy. There we buy dairy products: milk, butter, cheese, cream.
When we run out of bread we go to the bakers and ask for a loaf of white or brown bread.
A cake shop sells pastries and cakes of all kinds. The confectioner always does a good trade selling sweets, chocolates, chocolate bars, toffees and other tempting things that make every child's mouth water.

Many large shops called department stores sell various goods under one roof and you can find there everything you need.

Department stores have a lot of departments: stationery, hosiery, millinery, footwear, sport goods, leather goods, perfumery, jewelry, ready-made women's and men's clothes. All the things are on the counters and in the shop windows so the customers can choose what they want.

At the stationery we buy paper, ink, pens, ball-pens, pencils, erasers and felt-tip pens.
In the millinery we buy hats, caps.

In the shoe or footwear department there are many kinds of shoes, boots, sandals, slippers and top-boots.

In the knitwear department we can find all kinds of knitted goods: pullovers, sweaters, cardigans, etc.

If we want new gloves or ties, handkerchiefs or shirts we go to the men's outfitters.
In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc. In the knitwear department one can buy sweaters, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woollen jackets and other clothing for men.

In the women's clothing department we can choose coats, jackets, dresses, costumes, jumpers, blouses, skirts, underwear and many other things for women.
In the perfumery they have face creams and face powders, lipsticks, scents, lotions and shampoos.
A big store is really a very interesting place. We can simply walk round the store without buying anything at all.


baker's - булочная
bakery - хлебный отдел
butcher's - мясной магазин
canned food - консервированные продукты
cashier - кассир
cashier's desk - касса
chinaware - фарфоровые изделия
confectioner's - кондитерская
counter - прилавок
cream - сливки
dairy - молочные продукты
department store - универмаг
electric appliances - электроприборы
equipment - оборудование
fabrics - ткани
footwear - обувь
goods - товары
greengrocer's - овощной магазин
grocer's - бакалея
household utensils - хозяйственные товары, домашняя утварь
nicely packed - красиво упакованный
poultry - птица
purchase - покупка
receipt - чек (товарный)
roll - булочка
sausage - колбаса
self-service shop - магазин самообслуживания
shop-assistant - продавец
sour cream - сметана
supermarket - универсам
tempting - заманчивый

1. What types of shops do you know?
2. Who is a shopaholic?
3. What departments are there in supermarkets?-
4. What types of shops do you like most of all?
5. Is there a department store near your house?
6. Where do you prefer to go shopping and why?
7. Who usually does the shopping in your family?
8. How often do you usually go shopping?
9. What can you buy in your nearest shopping center?
10. Do you like shopping?
11. Why do some people hate shopping?
12. What time would you recommend that busy people do shopping?
13. Why are shopping centers so popular nowadays?

My Usual Shopping Round

We go shopping every day. The other day my mother took me on a usual shopping round. We went to the grocer's and greengrocer's as we had run out of sugar and onions.

At the greengrocer's there was a long queue. But we had nothing to do but stand in the queue if we wanted to get to the counter and have some onions. The shop-girl weighed us half a kilo of onions, we thanked her and went out.

Then we made our way to the grocer's where we bought a kilo of sugar and some sausage. We were about to go home as my mother suddenly remembered we had hardly any bread in the house.

We dropped in at the baker's and bought a loaf of brown bread, some rolls and buns. On our way home the mother decided to call at a commercial shop. She was looking for a present to my father — as it was his birthday soon.

As soon as we entered the shop, we found ourselves in a fantastic motley city of silk skirts and shirts, woollen pullovers, frocks and leather boots and shoes. The smiling girl met us at the counter.

My mother said she wanted to buy a size 50 shirt of a dark-blue colour. The girl suggested looking at a dark-blue cotton shirt with short sleeves. The shirt was the latest fashion and we were sure the father would like it.

We paid the money at the cash-desk. The cashier gave us a receipt and with it we came up to the shop-assistant. She passed us a wrapped parcel with the shirt, thanked us and added they were always glad to see us at their shop and we happy and a bit excited went out of the shop.


to go shopping, to do shopping — делать покупки
grocer's — бакалея
greengrocer's — овощной магазин
to run out of smth. — истощить свой запас
queue — очередь
counter — прилавок
a shop assistant — продавец
to weigh — взвешивать
loaf — буханка
roll, bun — булка
purchase — покупка
to cost (cost, cost) — стоить
to decide — решать
to drop in at smth., to call at smth. — заходить
commercial shop — коммерческий магазин
to look for sth — искать
to enter — входить
fantastic — фантастический
frock — платье
leather — кожа, кожаный
sleeve — рукав
to be the latest fashion — быть в моде
sure — уверенный
cash-desk — касса
cashier — кассир
receipt — товарный чек


1. Do we go shopping every day?
2. Where did you go?
3. What did you buy at the greengrocer's?
4. Was the queue long there?
5. Where did you buy a kilo of sugar and some sausage?
6. What did your mother decide to do?
7. What did you see at the commercial shop?
8. What did you buy there?
9. What did the cashier give you?
10. Why were you happy and a bit excited as you went out of the shop?

Food processing

Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or to transform food into other forms for consumption by humans or animals either in the home or by the food processing industry. Food processing typically takes clean, harvested crops or slaughtered and butchered animal products and uses these to produce attractive, marketable and often long-life food products. Similar process are used to produce animal feed. Extreme examples of food processing include the delicate preparation of deadly fugu fish or preparing space food for consumption under zero gravity.

Food processing is a way or technique implemented to convert raw food stuff into well-cooked and well preserved eatables for both the humans and the animals. All these methods are used by food processing industry to give out processed or preserved foods for our daily consumption. Best quality harvested, slaughtered and butchered and clean constituents are used by food processing industry to manufacture very nutritious and easy to cook food products. Following are some techniques and methods used to convert food into processed or preserved food.

Preservation process: this includes heating or boiling to destroy micro-organisms, oxidation, toxic inhibition, dehydration or drying, osmotic inhibition, freezing, a sort of cold pasteurization which destroys pathogens and various combinations of all these methods.

Drying: this is probably the most ancient method used by humans to preserve or process their food. Drying reduces the water content in the product and lack of water delays the bacterial growth very much. Drying is the most common technique to preserve or process cereal grains like wheat, maize, oats, rice, barley, grams and rye etc.

Smoking: many foods such as meat, fish and others are processed, preserved and flavored by the use of smoke mostly in big smoke houses. This process is very simple as the combination of smoke to preserved food without actually cooking it and the aroma of hydro-carbons generated from the smoke processes the food and makes it even tastier to eat.

Freezing: probably, it is the most common technique used in modern world to preserve or process the food both on commercial and domestic basis. This freezing is conducted in big cold storages which can stockpile huge amount of food stuffs which can be further used in some natural emergencies. A very big range of products can be frozen to preserve and process which includes some which do not need freezing when are in their natural condition. For example potato chips and potato wafers requires freezing whereas a potato does not.

Vacuum packs: in this method, food is packed in airtight bags and bottles in a vacuum area. This method is used in processing the food as the air-tight environment doesn’t provide oxygen needed by germs especially bacteria to survive. This then, prevents food from getting rotted. This method is very commonly used for preserving processed nuts.

Salting: the method of salting is used in food processing as it sucks out the moisture from the food. This is done through the process of osmosis. Meat is the best example of the food processed by salting as nitrates are used very frequently to treat meat.

Sugaring: the method of using sugar to preserve or process food is very frequent where it comes to preserve fruits. In this method fruits such as apples, peaches and plums are cooked with sugar until they are crystallized and then it is stored dry. Now days, sugar is also used in combination of alcohol to make some branded alcohol and spirits.

Pickling: in this method of preserving or processing food, food is cooked in chemicals and materials which destroy micro-organisms. This is very strictly kept in mind that these chemicals or materials are fit to eat for humans. Normally, these include brine, vinegar, ethanol, vegetable oil and many other types of oils. Pickling is very commonly seen in vegetables such as cabbage and peppers. Corned beef and eggs are the non vegetarian eatables that are pickled.

These are some very common methods of preserving or processing food. These all will work only when processing and preserving is done under very strict rules and regulation set by the governments.

Methods of Cooking

Cooking is a heat treatment of food to make it edible. Many products cannot be eaten raw. Meat, fish, vegetables are usually cooked. Some fruits are not cooked< but some<such as apples, pears and currents may be used in pies or to make desserts. Fruits are also cooked to make jams, jellies and marmalades.

The four basic ways to cook food are:

Heating in a liquid (boiling, stewing)

Heating in fat or oil (frying and sauteing)

Heating in steam (steaming)

Heating by dry heat (baking, roasting and grilling)

What Do You Like To Do In Your Free Time Online Dating Example List

Boiling. We may boil food in different liquids and mixtures, including water, stock and wine. Meat, poultry, many vegetables and spaghetti are cooked in this way.

Stewing is cooking food slowly in liquid. It is often used for meat. Vegetables, herbs and spices are usually added at the end of cooking.

Deep-frying is immersion of food in hot fat or oil. Chipped potatoes and doughnuts are the best example of deep-frying. Deep-fried foods are called fritters.

Shallow frying is frying on a pan in hot fat or oil, when the food is fried on both sides. We can fry eggs, meat, vegetables, mushrooms, onions and pancakes.

Sautéing is frying when natural juices of the food are mixed with the fat or oil in the saucepan. We can also add stock, wine or cream. As a result we obtain a dish with a sauce.

Steaming is a method of cooking above the surface of boiling liquid in a covered saucepan. Fish, vegetables and poultry are especially suitable for steaming as some types of puddings.

Baking is dry cooking inside an oven. Bred, cakes, pastries, tarts and biscuits are baked. Vegetables, especially potatoes, may also be cooked in this way.

Roasting is cooking meat or poultry, which are placed in an oven and cooked by dry heat. They are often basted, that is, the juices from the meat are spooned over during the process. Some cooks wrap the meat in a roasting foil with a little oil or melted fat. Meat can be also roasted on a spit.

Grilling is a rapid method of cooking poultry, fish, cuts of meat, sausages and kebabs by heat, the source of which may be gas, electricity or charcoal.

Heat treatment - тепловая обработка

Edible - съедобный

Raw -сырой

Heat - жар, тепло

Heating -нагревание

Liquid - жидкость

Boiling - варка, кипение

Stock -рыбный или мясной бульон

Stewing - длительное тушение в жидкости

Frying - обжаривание в масле

Shallow - неглубокий, мелкий

Sautéing - обжаривание в кастрюле с добавлением масла

Steaming - варка на пару

Baking - печение, запекание

Roasting - обжаривание в духовке или на вертеле

Grilling - обжаривание на открытом источнике тепла

What Do You Like To Do In Your Free Time Online Dating Example Book

Mixture - смесь

Simmering - кипение на медленном огне

Sugar syrup - сахарный сироп

Oven - печка, плита

Deep-frying - обжаривание с погружением в кипящее масло

Immersion - погружение

Doughnut - пончик

Fritters - блюда, жареные во фритюре

Surface - поверхность

To baste -поливать сверху жиром

To spoon over - поливать сверху

Roasting foil - фольга для запекания

Melted fat - топленый жир

On a spit - на вертеле

Charcoal - древесныйуголь

Rapid - быстрый


Переведите на английский язык:

Тушеное мясо, вареные овощи, жареная говядина, печеная картошка, цыпленок гриль, жареные во фритюре блюда, жареный на вертеле шашлык, вареная курица, поливать сверху жиром, заворачивать в фольгу, печь пирожные, жарить в растительном масле.

Когда мы готовим пищу, мы варим, жарим на сковородке, печем, тушим в кастрюле на медленном огне, варим на пару.

Typical Russian Cuisine

Russian cuisine is indeed original. Its distinctive feature is not only in original recipes but also in the fact that it reflects a certain way of life. Russian people usually have meals three times a day. In the morning they have breakfast, in the afternoon — dinner and in the evening it's time for supper.

Let us start with breakfast. This meal doesn't usually take much time to prepare, due to the fact that people, as a rule, are in a hurry for work, school or somewhere else. It may include just sandwiches, fried or scrambled eggs, corn flakes or muesli and various kinds of porridges. It can be cream of wheat, oatmeal porridge, rice or buckwheat porrige. It is more common for Russian people to drink black tea with jam or honey but there are ones who prefer coffee in the morning. You may think there is nothing special in this set of dishes. You are right. But it was a description of a typical working day breakfast, when people have little time to prepare something. Now I'd like to call your attention to breakfast of a dayoff.

Have you ever tried traditional Russian sirniki? I'm sure, if you live in Russia, at least once in your life your grandmother or mother prepared them for you. Nothing can be compared with sirniki, made of fresh village cottage cheese and fried on a pan. They are usually served with sour cream and sugar. Perhaps, the only dish which is as delicious as sirniki is blini or pancakes. In Russia they say that the thinner blini are made the tastier they are. Blini are served rolled with a variety of fillings but the most delicious ones are pancakes with jam, honey and sour cream.

A traditional Russian dinner consists of three courses. It is the main meal of the day. First of all snacks are served. It can be caviar, herring, salt cucumbers and sauerkraut. All these salt dishes are served in order to excite the appetite. In general Russian cuisine is famous for its pickles.

Then comes the first course — soup. There is a great variety of different soups in Russia but the most famous is 'borsch'. Shchi, rassolnik, shchaveleviy soup and cold soup — okroshka are also cooked in Russia. Of course, it is not the whole list of traditional Russian soups, but these are the most popular ones.

After the soup the second course follows. It usually includes meat or fish and garnish. The Russians prefer freshwater fish like carp and pike. As for meat, it may be pork, beef, veal, lamb, turkey or chicken. The most famous meat dishes in Russia are zharkoye (stewed beef with potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic seasoned with salt and pepper), beef Stroganoff (the dish consists of pieces of beef served in a sauce with sour cream) and cutlets (the dish made of minced meat). The main course is usually served with garnish — mashed, baked or fried potatoes, pasta or vegetables. Russian people often eat pelmeni (meat dumplings) for the second course. Pelmeni are often cooked by the whole family. Firstly, the filling of minced meat is made due to the particular recipe, then they roll out the pastry and after that everybody sits at the big dinner table and makes pelmeni. Sometimes the preparation of this dish takes almost the whole day. Very often people cook pelmeni for a holiday. The Russians eat everything with bread but sometimes pies are served instead of bread. These pies may be stuffed with various fillings: fish, spring onions and eggs, meat, chicken, potatoes and mushrooms. Sweet pies are served for tea. They are usually stuffed with different fresh berries or jam. Every housewife has her own cooking secret.

As for the third course, it is usually a drink — compote, kissel or mors. In old Russia there existed another popular drink — Medovukha which is derived from the word 'honey' (in Russian it sounds as 'mjod'). Sometimes this course includes desserts. It may be ice-cream, baked apples or some fresh fruit.

Supper is the longest meal of the day, since it is time when the whole family can gather at one table and discuss some news. Russian people usually have a substantial meal for supper. It may be fried potatoes, potatoes in their skin with herring, fried fish or chicken. But there are also people who prefer light supper such as cottage cheese with sugar or milk and jam, an apple cake called 'sharlotka', or a potato cake, or some vegetables. It will depend just on a person's preference.

It is worth saying that Russian cuisine is famous for its natural products. Russian people are fond of gathering, drying and using mushrooms and all kinds of forest berries in their dishes.

In my opinion, Russian cuisine is one of the most varied and delicious in the world but tastes differ. As far as I know, people from other countries consider Russian people heavy eaters not only because of the amount of food we eat per day, but also due to its fat content. Anyway, if you are not keen on Russian cuisine, it is up to you to choose any other food.


cuisine — кухня
delicious — вкусный
to share — делить
typical — типичный
indeed — действительно
distinctive feature — отличительная черта, особенность
recipe — кулинарный рецепт
fried eggs — яичница
scrambled eggs — омлет
oatmeal porridge — овсяная каша
cream of wheat — манная каша
rice porridge — рисовая каша
buckwheat porridge — гречневая каша
set of dishes — набор блюд
description — описание
to call one's attention — привлечь чьё-либо внимание
dayoff — выходной день
cottage cheese — творог
pan — сковородка
pancake — блин
variety — разнообразие
filling — начинка
sour cream — сметана
course — блюдо
snack — закуска
caviar — икра
herring — сельдь
sauerkraut — квашеная капуста
to excite the appetite — раззадорить аппетит
garnish — гарнир
freshwater fish — пресноводная рыба
carp — карп
pike — щука
pork — свинина
beef — говядина
veal — телятина
lamb — баранина
turkey — индейка
carrot — морковь
garlic — чеснок
to season — приправлять
minced meat — фарш
mashed potatoes — картофельное пюре
baked potatoes — печёный картофель
fried potatoes — жареный картофель
pasta — лапша, макароны
meat dumplings — пельмени
filling — начинка
stuffing — фарш
to roll out the pastry — раскатывать тесто
instead of — вместо
pie — пирожок
spring onions — зелёный лук
to exist — существовать
to derive from — происходить от
baked apple — печёное яблоко
to gather — собирать
to have a substantial meal — сытно поесть
potatoes in the skin — картошка в мундире
it is worth saying — стоит сказать
varied — разнообразный
tastes differ — о вкусах не спорят
heavy eater — любитель поесть
fat content — содержание жира


1. Do you like Russian cuisine?
2. What is your favourite cuisine? Why?
3. How often do you go to a restaurant?
4. What do you prefer to eat for breakfast?
5. What do you usually eat for dinner?
6. What is your favourite kind of soup?
7. Does your family usually gather together for dinner?
8. Are you good at cooking?
9. What traditional Russian dishes do you know?
10. Do you think it is important to keep our Russian cuisine traditions? Why?

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